about my session:
The Consequences of Contact: For Humans and Animals
From feelings of euphoria and a deep emotional connection, to life-altering trauma, people’s reactions to intense encounters run the gamut of experiences. However, the reactions of animals are very consistent, and may offer important clues as to whether these entities are benevolent or malevolent.
This presentation will examine cases from around the world that demonstrate that there may be more going on during a close sighting or encounter than our human senses can comprehend.

Linda Zimmermann is a research scientist turned award-winning author of over 30 books on science, history, the paranormal, and fiction. She has lectured across the country, including the MUFON Symposium and the International UFO Congress, and has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.
Linda starred in the documentary, In the Night Sky: I Recall a UFO, which was based on her research into sightings in the Hudson Valley of New York. The film won the 2013 People’s Choice Award at the EBE Film Festival at the International UFO Congress. Her four UFO books are: In the Night Sky, Hudson Valley UFOs, More Hudson Valley UFOs, and Animal Reactions to UFOs.
She has twice been named “Best Author in the Hudson Valley,” and also “Best Radio Personality.”
Linda has a popular podcast called “UFO Headquarters” on HudsonRiverRadio.com.